Monday, October 5, 2009

Biological and Physiological Needs
These would be the needs a homeless individual would need to focus on. Without food and shelter or warmth the individual's life would be in danger and any chance of climbing the pyramid would be erased. If the individual cannot fulfill the lower stages of the pyramid they cannot focus on the less basic needs. They will need to focus on having something to eat and a place where they can keep warm. These basic needs include air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.

Safety Needs

If an individual who is under the poverty line or homeless can provide themselves with the basic needs, their safety needs will be the next issue. If they have a shelter this will be their basic safety from the weather elements. But the areas these individuals usually inhabit are crime ridden and dangerous so just a house will not provide them with enough safety. They are rarely surround by a safe environment which further limits their ability to flourish.

Belonging and Love Needs

These needs could theoretically still be fulfilled by homeless individuals. I doubt it would be in a work group that this interaction occurs. But there is not a reason for individuals of that group to interact and form relationships that lead to love. This love could lead to the creation of a family. But in the circumstance most of these individuals live in it would be hard to support a family.
Esteem Needs
Beyond the first three steps, it is hard to imagine that a homeless individual could fulfill the needs closer to the top of the pyramid. Without an education or career it would be impossible for an individual to have a high social status or responsibility. Their responsibilities would be mostly centered around their basic needs and less around the reputation they have with people. They would not have a sense of achievement due to the lack of a job and in most cases family.

Self Actualization

This need would never be fulfilled by a homeless individual unless in some freak case that is what they wanted to do with their life. As Maslow states a need cannot be fulfilled until the need below it is completely fulfilled and the person does not have to worry about it on a daily basis. So without fulfilled esteem needs the homeless individual could not begin to grow as a person and do what they truly want to.